archive table of contents

treking to the giant's footprintResources & Links:

Alele Museum
The Marshallese national museum of culture, located in Majuro, the Republic's capital.

Marshallese Cultural Center
Established in 1998 on Kwajalein, the Center is the only other cultural museum in the Republic

Dirk Spennemann Online Archive
Established by Australian anthropologist Dr. Spennemann, the site offers many articles on the Marshall Islands by Spennemann and other authorities.

Micronesian Seminar

Established by the Catholic Church in 1972 and now directed by Fr. Fran Hezel, S.J., the Seminar casts a wide net, archiving the history of Mirconesia in its entirety.

Embassy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands
This is the Republic's central--official--site and offers many pages of cultural information.  

College of the Marshall Islands
Chartered by the governnment of the Marshall Islands, the college is charged with helping preserve the "cultural, ethical, and traditional values" of the Marshallese.  

Trust Territory of the Pacific Archives
Created in 1991 by the University of Hawaii, this database contains extensive photographs and other artefacts of the Trust Territory era, 1945-1980s.

Yokwe Online
The online social and news network for the Marshallese, the site bills itself accurately as "Everything Marshall Islands."


design by Ron Tanner
© 2008 Historic Preservation Office,
Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands