A Note of Thanks to Supporters of the Marshall Islands Story Project
Cultural Liaisons and Consultants
Dr. Byron Bender, Board of Regents, University of Hawaii
Alfred Capelle, Customary Law & Language Commission, Republic of the Marshall Islands
William Graham, Nuclear Tribunal of the Marshall Islands, Majuro
Dr. Hilda Heine, Senior Scholar, Pacific Resources for Education and Learning
Wilson Hess, President, College of the Marshall Islands, Majuro
Fr. Fran Hezel, Director, Micronesian Seminar, Pohnpei
Kimiko Keju, College of the Marshall Islands
Jerry Kramer, C.E.O., Pacific International, Inc.
Newton Lajuan, Cultural Liason, College of the Marshall Islands
Cris Lindborg, Marshallese Cultural Center, Kwajalein
Marie Maddison, Director, National Training Councils, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Majuro
Josepha Maddison, Historic Preservation Office, Department of the Interior, RMI, Majuro
Fr. Richard McCuliff, S.J., Assumption High School, Majuro
Mary Silk, Director, Nuclear Institute, College of the Marshall Islands
Ellia Zebedy, College of the Marshall Islands
Technical Support & Logistical Assistance
Dr. James Buckley, Dean, Arts & Sciences, Loyola College, Maryland
John Devecka, manager WLOY radio, Loyola College, Maryland
Louise Finn, Chief Information Officer, Assistant VP for Tech Services, Loyola College, Maryland
John Hayes, Office of Instructional Technology, Loyola College, Maryland
Jason McMahon, Humanities technical support professional, Loyola College, Maryland
James Mulik, Vice President, Research, Planning & Grants, College of the Marshall Islands, Majuro
Richard Sigler,
Office of Instructional Technology, Loyola College, Maryland
Marty Singer, Corporate Sales, J & R Music, New York
Fran Wilde, Principal, Wilde Communications, www.wildewords.com

Special thanks to Lora Eckler and Stephanie Rudy of CAS Severn (6201 Chevy Chase Drive, Laurel, MD: www.cassevern.com) for generous donation of laptop computers. Also to Louise Finn, Chief Information Office, Loyola College, Maryland.
Pedagogical Consultants
Ruth Abbott, Instructor of English, College of the Marshall Islands
Dr. Joyce Anderson, Assistant Professor of Writing Studies, Roger Williams University
Beverley Chutaro, Instructor of Social Science, College of the Marshall Islands
Dr. Cinthia Gannett, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum, Fairfield University
Janet Hess, Chair, Liberal Studies, College of the Marshall Islands
David Kupferman, Ph.D. candidate, University of Hawaii
Dr. Steven Malmberg, College of the Marshall Islands
Dr. Peggy O'Neill, Director of Composition, Loyola College, Maryland
design by Ron Tanner
© 2008 Historic Preservation Office,
Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands